Owatonna Fire Department receives grant to fund prop for forcible entry training

(ABC 6 News) – The Owatonna Fire Department announced on Friday it received a grant from the Owatonna Foundation to fund prop for forcible entry training.

The grant is in the amount of $8,115.

Forcible entry is a fundamental ability for firefighters that requires skill, discipline, and training. When proficient with forcible entry skills, firefighters will be able to quickly gain entry with the least amount of damage as possible.

“By having this training prop, we will be able to actually practice the skills as we would perform them on a real call,” said Fire Chief Ed Hoffman.

The prop will be used in training current firefighters, as well as new recruits and high school students enrolled in a firefighter program launching this fall.

In addition to responding to emergencies, Owatonna firefighters also conduct fire code inspections to help property owners eliminate unsafe conditions in their buildings. They also provide public education opportunities to the community throughout the year to prevent fires before they happen.