Deadline for military service members to claim 2019 tax credit

The deadline for a 2019 tax credit offered to military service members in a hazardous zone expires on Oct. 15, 2023.

In 2019, the Minnesota Department of Revenue announced a tax credit for military service members who either served in combat or participated in a qualified hazardous duty area.

According to the MNDOR the tax credit translates to about $120 for each month spent in a qualified zone.

Announced in 2019 and according to the MNDOR, the tax credit allows applicants to file up to three and a half years after service.

According to the MNDOR, more than 3,380 service members are eligible for the 2019 tax credit, but 1,400 have no claimed it yet.

“Our military service members earned this tax benefit by putting their personal lives on hold to serve our country in combat zones around the world,” said Revenue Commissioner Paul Marquart. “With the deadline for 2019 fast approaching, we want to make sure they have the resources and information necessary to claim this tax credit.”

Service members can claim the tax credit by going to the MNDOR website, searching M99 and completing the online form by Oct. 15, 2023.

Alternatively, the form can be completed by mail.