Mankato funeral for Sgt. Cade Wolfe, soldier died in helicopter crash

Honoring Sgt. Cade Wolfe

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(ABC 6 News) – A funeral procession in Mankato honored Sergeant Cade Wolfe today.

The 24-year-old Mankato native was one of five Army Special Operations soldiers killed in November when their Black Hawk helicopter crashed in the Mediterranean Sea during a training exercise.

Today’s procession started at 12:30 p.m. at the Mankato Airport.

It passed through Eagle Lake and by Mankato East High School, before ending at Northview Mortuary.

Governor Tim Walz ordered all United States and Minnesota flags to fly at half-staff at all state buildings until sunset on Friday, Jan. 5, to honor Wolfe’s memorial.

“Minnesota is deeply saddened by the loss of Sgt. Cade Michael Wolfe, a Minnesotan who dedicated himself to selflessly serving our nation and keeping our country safe,” said Walz. “With deep gratitude, Minnesota recognizes Sgt. Cade Michael Wolfe for his dedicated service to, and sacrifice for, his state and country. His family, loved ones, and community are in our prayers.”

The Minnesota governor encourages individuals, businesses and other organizations to join in lowering their flags.