Getting a safe ride on New Year’s Eve

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(ABC 6 News) – Once again this year Safe Ridez in Rochester is offering its service to those in the area on New Year’s Eve.

The designated driver service drives you and your car home for $22, geared toward drivers that drove to their destination but probably shouldn’t drive back home.

"It’s important during the holidays you want to protect yourself, you want to protect the other people on the road. So, that’s what we’re here for. Get you home safe and have a happy holiday," Peter Bartz, Owner & Operator of Safe Ridez, said.

With Safe Ridez, two drivers come to pick you up. One of them drives you home while the other follows with your car.

You can reserve a ride by calling 507-990-9097. Bartz recommends reserving ahead of time because he expects to be busy.