Kellogg Middle School receives donation of American flags

Kellogg Middle School receives donation of American flags – ABC 6 News Daytime

Kellogg Middle School receives donation of American flags - ABC 6 News Daytime

(ABC 6 News) – Kellogg Middle School received a donation of American flags by the Rochester Exchange Club for all classrooms at the school.

According to organizers of the event, the goal of this donation is to support the Americanism of Kellogg, which is one of the main focuses of the Exchange Club.

“We felt it was important there should be an American flag in every classroom, so that’s why we decided to expand this and include some of the existing schools; so next year we’ll do this a couple more times at other schools,” expressed Rochester Exchange Club president David Gibson.

The school also says that the opportunity alone to for students to see what community involvement is like is very important.

“I think a lot of times it’s easy for middle school students to just be able to just kind of see their local or immediate purview, and for them to see the greater good in the community is really impactful,” said Kellogg Middle School principal Angi McAndrews. “For us all to be able to have the flags as a symbol in our classrooms is really important to us.”