Hometown Haulers selling to Waste Management effective May 1

(ABC 6 News) – Rochester’s social media landscape was aflame over the weekend with discussion of a possible business sale.

Hometown Haulers, an anonymous user speculated, may have been sold to Waste Management.

ABC 6 News called Hometown Haulers, and co-founder Landon Koss told us that the rumors were false and the company is not being sold.

After ABC 6 News published those comments in an article, Koss called our station stating he wanted to retract his earlier comments, and instead just say “no comment.”

If there is a business update, he added, it will be shared on the Hometown Haulers social media and with local media.

However, ABC 6 News has confirmed with multiple customers, including one that works at ABC 6, that when they called Hometown Haulers on Monday they were told that the company has indeed sold to Waste Management and it will take effect on May 1.