Cheap Charlie’s owners put restaurant up for sale, say it’s not the end

(ABC 6 News) – For 27 years, the Tran family has been running Cheap Charlie’s, a well-known breakfast restaurant in Rochester. Now, they say it’s time for a change. A change they hope isn’t the end, but rather a new beginning.

David and his wife Janna have been running the diner since 1996.

“I can’t do long hours anymore,” said Dennis Tran, the owner of Cheap Charlie’s.

The 62-year-old is ready for a new venture. But he’s not ready to retire.

“Not quite. I think that some other younger people are going to do a better job than me right now. I might end up working for them part-time. Who knows?”, said David.

One thing he does know is he loves his customers. Making friends over the years with people across the street, and across the world.

“I got so many wonderful friends over the years. In the morning, I get my coffee, I chit-chat, and that’s the most beautiful part,” said David.

Carmen Mallum has been coming to Cheap Charlie’s for nearly 15 years. She guesses that’s at least 100 times. She brings her son Jacob to the restaurant at least once a month.

When asked her thoughts on the Tran’s selling the restaurant, she said, “Sad. Very sad. Very, very, very sad. We have family that comes down here to visit. We come here to eat. They love it. We love it!”

Jacob has his own priorities – The chocolate chip pancakes. He said they’re not just any pancakes and it’s because the chocolate chips aren’t frozen, they’re melted.

Tran, who loves chocolate knows just how popular they are.

“It’s a lot of kids’ favorite. On the weekend, it’s just like chocolate left and right.”

Smiles and good food for all ages. Tran wants the classic diner vibe to continue.

“You have to know, love, and love this. I’m not just selling to anybody.”

The rich love Tran has for Cheap Charlie’s.

“Cheap Charlie’s is still open. Will stay open. That’s the main take.”

Right now there is no timeline for Tran to sell. He said it could be three months or three years, he’s looking for the right buyer. A few people have put in offers.