“They’re going to dump them on the disabled and the vulnerable,” city buses causing disturbance

City buses causing disturbance

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(ABC 6 News) – Construction season is in full swing in Rochester and with that brings headaches for drivers. But Rochester buses have been heavily impacted as well.

Not only has there been a change in bus routes, but also where they park for during breaks. And it’s not sitting well the dozens of disabled residents living in a downtown Rochester apartment building.

Residents at the Newbridge Apartments in downtown say they’ve had enough. Noise and blocking loading and unloading zones something those with disabilities rely on have made living in the building less than ideal.

Imagine waking up to a loud bus every day. That’s exactly what nearly 50 residents listen to every morning at the Newbridge apartments.

“I’m on the fifth floor so I’m further away from this noise and it still gets me awake,” said resident Tristan Soll.

Tristan has lived at Newbridge since 2019 and says the noise is worse than ever.

“When they started doing the construction of 2nd [Avenue] that’s where all the buses normally or usually took their breaks and rested and now, they took that spot away from the city and the buses and where are they to go,” said Tristan.

The buses park on both sides of the building. This bus blocking a 15-minute loading and unloading zone. Many of the residents living there are disabled and rely on the loading zone to leave.

I decided to time the bus. The bus was there for longer than 15 minutes. Infact it was there for nearly an hour.

City officials tell ABC 6 News they try to limit the amount of idle time for buses especially outside residential buildings.

They also say in part:
“We regret to hear about the experience of this resident. We do appreciate hearing from the community when it comes to all aspects of our service, and we will work to limit the amount of idling at this particular intersection.”

But Tristan says he’s reached out to the city multiple times but always gets the run around.

“This is where do we dump these guys because they don’t know what to do with them. So, they’re going to dump them on the disabled and the vulnerable it seems like,” said Tristan.