Warm weather could impact blooming flowers and trees this spring

Warm weather impacts

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(ABC 6 News) – Stepping outside may have felt great today, but these warm temperatures could impact your backyard this spring.

And it’s nothing new, both cold and warm temperatures have been a concern in Minnesota over the last few years. In 2019, a hard freeze with little snow cover was followed by heavy rain and flooding that drowned tree roots.

As for this year, the lack of snow and moisture this winter doesn’t bring any benefit.

“Our trees have not had the chance to recover, and we’re going to continue to see horrible effects from that whiplash of too wet, too cold, too hot, too dry,” said Erin Buchholz with the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. “It’s too much for these trees.”

Winter isn’t done just yet. If it gets cold, protect any budding flowers and tree roots by adding a layer of mulch or hay.

In times of drought, water your trees and know that mulch also helps preserve moisture for the roots.