Voters in Olmsted County gather for caucus night

Minnesota Voters gather for respective caucuses

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(ABC 6 News) – The caucuses were a way for elected leaders and potential candidates to put their best foot forward before the primary election.

For some, it’s the start of a campaign trail and for others it allows them to connect with their established supporters.

Currently, the Minnesota DFL holds a trifecta in the state, holding a majority in the House, Senate, and governor’s office, something they’re looking to keep.

“Here locally, our huge focus is on the Minnesota House, every single seat in the Minnesota House will be up this year in this election,” said House Representative Andy Smith (DFL).

Republicans are hoping to flip the script, with dozens of seats in the House up for grabs, they say this is their time to strike.

“It’ll be a good opportunity to kind of get in there and shake things up a little bit,” Minnesota House candidate Ken Navitsky (R) said.

Navitsky is running for Minnesota House District 25A, a seat currently occupied by Representative Kim Hicks (DFL). He wants to see change.

“The Democrats have got a stranglehold on everything and I think that we need opposing voices to kind of step in whether it’s crime, education, taxes, I think that we can do an awful lot better,” Navitsky said.

Hicks isn’t ready to give it up just yet.

“I’m just really excited to continue to talk to people and to do the work that makes people’s lives better, and we did that and we’re going to continue to do that, and I’m just excited to hit the campaign trail.”

While goals and strategies may differ, each candidate could feel the excitement ahead of themselves.

The Minnesota primary is next week, and candidates hope to secure enough votes in their favor.

It’ll either be much of the same with a trifecta, or a big shake up on the horizon.