Video: Iowa DOT says distracted driving to blame for crash into semi truck

(Credit: Iowa DOT Motor Vehicle Enforcement)
(ABC 6 News) – The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) of Motor Vehicle Enforcement shared a chilling video on social media which showed what it called a “distracted driver” crashing into a disabled semi truck on I-80 near West Branch.
In its social media post, the Iowa DOT said, “We preach to not drive distracted. We preach that you need to pay attention to the road. We preach that you never know what may pop up in front of you on the road.”
In the video, an inward facing camera appears to show the driver looking at something on the dash area instead of the road. When a semi truck appears blocking both lanes of oncoming traffic, the driver isn’t able to avoid the collision.
The Iowa DOT said, “In nothing short of a miracle, both drivers received minor injuries.”
The State of Iowa issued a distracted driving law in 2017, making it so officers can pull over anyone texting or using an electronic device while driving.
Watch the video below.