Specialty Crop Block grant program

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(ABC 6 News) – Applications are now open for the 2023 Specialty Crop Block grant program through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA).

The Specialty Crop Block grant program funds projects that will increase Minnesota grown specialty crops’ competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets.

MDA is using the program to improve specialty crops’ competitiveness in four ways: Marketing and promotion, research and development, expanding availability and access to crops or addressing challenges for specialty crop producers like disease or pests.

Specialty crops are tree nuts fruits and vegetables. Excluding staple crops like corn and soybeans.

MDA will be looking for applicants with plans for projects that will make Minnesota specialty crops more desirable on the market; Awarding roughly $1.25 million through this grant.

Applicants can request between $20,000 and $125,000.

The application window is open until March 13.

Click here for more information on the grant program.