RPD officers spread cheer with cash gifts

(ABC 6 News) – The Christmas spirit is among us and it’s a time of giving and spreading holiday cheer.

The Rochester police department is getting into the holiday spirit by holding their own secret Santa.

“You want me to give him a ticket, but you don’t want me to give him a hundred bucks! That’s a hundred bucks?!? I know right.”

Thanks to a generous donation to the Rochester Police Athletic/Activities League, Sergeant Ben Schlag and other officers get to take part in this year’s secret Santa.

Participating officers receive a $100 bill to give to someone they think could use a hand this holiday season.

For Sergeant Schlag, pulling people over may be another part of the job, but for those people, it may have been their lucky day.

“It really brightened up my day, and just the fact that you know kindness is extended in the places you wouldn’t expect it all the time,” said Anna Spaulding.

“Any plans with the money? “

“I don’t yet. Probably fix the headlight,” said Travis Roberts.

During the ride with Sergeant Schlag, we were met with positive responses from the people and he is always happy to brighten up someone’s day when he gets a chance.

“Anytime you get to make somebody’s day better, it makes you feel good knowing that you did something to help them, and help them feel good,” Sgt. Ben Schlag.

Sergeant Schlag said that this is something that he looks forward to doing every year – as he loves the interactions he has with people in the community and hopes he can continue to put a smile on their faces for years to come.

A local, anonymous donor has been supporting this holiday giving tradition for many years