Rochester Township board tables decision on the rookery

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(ABC 6 News) – Thursday, the Rochester Township held its monthly board meeting, the main topic was the fate of a blue heron nesting site that could be destroyed by a new housing development on the land.

The Rochester Township board decided to table their decision on whether or not to save the rookery. Their thought is that voting and making a decision would be pointless because Friday at 9 a.m. there will be a hearing before a judge for a lawsuit that was filed against the developer by the group Save the Rookery.

This group is trying to stop the developers from building houses on land because it would up root herons from the area and destroy their homes.

The judge will have 90 days to make a decision and that decision could come as soon as Friday, but is unlikely because of the magnitude of this case.

"You know it’s possible you get a ruling from the bench, and it’s possible you get a ruling on Monday morning, that happens on a case that’s an important civil case like this, that’s this high profile. My thought is that it’s more likely that the judge takes time to render a decision that’s suitable for publication because it will get that attention," said Rochester Township attorney Peter Tiede.

If the judge rules in favor of the developers, the fate of the rookery will be up the township board. The next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 11th, and by that time the judge could have a ruling on the lawsuit.