UPDATE: Stewartville estimates restroom damage over $700
(ABC 6 News) – The City of Stewartville estimated damages to the Florence Park restrooms Thursday at about $750.
The Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office confirmed Monday that it appeared that the suspect or suspects had forced their way into the restroom, as the door had “tool marks” visible on the outside.
Despite a call for information last week, there are no suspects and no arrests have been made, the OCSO said.
(ABC 6 News) – The City of Stewartville is asking for help to find those responsible for vandalizing restrooms at a local park.
The city posted photos on its Facebook page with a plea for anyone to come forward that might have information on those responsible for vandalizing the restrooms at Florence Park.
The city says the vandalism happened within a day or two of the Public Works department having just finished winterizing, cleaning, and painting the restrooms.
The city says that the extra maintenance it’ll take to restore the restrooms will likely delay other programs and general city maintenance.