Olmsted County raises per ton garbage disposal fee $1

(ABC 6 News) – Olmsted County has raised the per ton garbage disposal fee by one dollar.

Recent changes to the Olmsted County Solid Waste Management Ordinance will include a 4-tiered licensing system based on the types of waste hauled and services provided as follows:

  • Class A – Providing a full array of solid waste collection services
  • Class B – Providing source-separated organic material collection services
  • Class C – Providing roll-off and compactor box solid waste collection services
  • Class D – Providing bulky waste collection and cleanup services that includes the collection and transportation of solid waste as part of the clean-up service

The number of haulers’ licenses will also increase from the current seven to twelve.

“These changes will provide more hauler competition and more choices for residents and businesses” said Tony Hill, Director of Environmental Resources.

Additionally, the changes include a $1.00/ton increase to the disposal fee at the Olmsted Waste-to-Energy Facility and Kalmar Landfill.

Since no property tax dollars are used to fund the Olmsted County integrated solid waste management system, this increase will cover the additional costs required to administer the changes and provide additional educational resources to the haulers. The net result of this change to the average homeowner will be approximately $1.00 per year on the average garbage bill.

The per ton fee charged for disposal at Olmsted County facilities has not increased since 2013. The system is primarily funded by disposal fees and energy sales from the Olmsted Waste-to-Energy Facility.

These changes went into effect on Jan. 1, 2023 and a list of licensed haulers licensed for 2023 will be available at olmstedwaste.com on Jan. 4th.