Hayfield Elementary ‘Fill the Florida Trailer’ Challenge to help those affected by Hurricane Ian

(ABC 6 News) – Valley Transportation out of Grand Meadow put out a flyer to encourage people to donate what they can to provide some relief to the devastated people of southwest Florida, and Hayfield Community Schools answered in a big way.

“We’ve had Hayfield reach out to us and said hey can we fill a trailer and and bring it to you guys? Will you take it down? We said absolutely. We’ve heard from other people other schools in the area,” said Tyler Schiltz dispatch manager at Valley Transportation.

Fifth graders at Hayfield Elementary packed an 8 foot trailer with donations to bring to Florida after last weeks devastating hurricane.

These students say you don’t have to be an adult to understand what’s happening down there, and they know that these supplies will make a huge difference in someone’s life.

“It’s just a nightmare. You just see like pictures and videos and talking and cars swimming,” said fifth grader Laura Lee Olson.

The response from Hayfield Elementary is what southeast Minnesota is all about in times a tragedy. Schiltz said, “These are all communities down here that when anything happens, they tend to stick together and make things happen and they’ll get back on their feet. And here just here to show that we’re here for Florida as well.”

Many people in Minnesota travel to Florida and have friends and family that live in along the Florida Gulf Coast, making this bit more personal.

“We have some drivers that are down in south Florida. The one, lives there off and on. He was down there during the storm. We had a couple other ones that were also effect down there. So we’re here for them,” said Schiltz.

A light during a dark part of Florida’s history, and these kids are proud to be a part of that light.

“Just if I was in that situation I would be sad,” said Axel Cuevas-Molina.

“If I had to experience that and someone donating like all of this stuff it would be like a miracle,” said Olson.

Valley Transportation’s goal is to fill the trailer, but they say they will send down as many trailers as they need to get donations down to Florida.

The donations collected will be taken to Valley Transportation on Saturday.

What to Donate?

  • Water
  • Gloves
  • Non-Perishable Food Items
  • Toiletries
  • Tissues
  • Toilet Paper
  • Coolers
  • Battery Chargers
  • Tylenol/Advil
  • Clothing
  • Blankets/Pillows
  • Toothbrushes/Toothpaste
  • Cash Donations

Where to Donate?

  • Bring to Hayfield Elementary school classroom
  • Hayfield Elementary school front office
  • Valley Transportation Service (Grand Meadow)
  • Midwest Liquidation, LLC. Sales (Spring Valley)
  • Grand Meadow High School Football game Friday, October 8th
  • Spring Valley High School Football game Friday, October 8th

When to Donate?

  • Hayfield Elementary School
    • Now through Friday, October 7
    • During school hours: 7:50 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • Valley Transportation & Midwest Liquidation
    • Now through Friday, October 7 (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
    • Saturday, October 8: (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)

If the elementary school fills the trailer, the district announced that ice cream sandwiches will be provided to them by Hayfield PIE on a later date.