Girl Scout cookies have landed

It’s Girl Scout Cookie Season

It's Girl Scout Cookie Season

(ABC 6 News) – The annual Girl Scout River Valleys cookie program returned to our hungry hands on Friday, and will stay grabbable for 6 weeks.

The Girl Scout motto: Be prepared.

As the largest girl-led entrepreneurship program in the world, according to Scouts, the Girl Scout Cookies program teaches it’s members business ethics, communication skills, money management, decision making and goal setting.

“All the way from daisies to our senior ambassadors, those skills build every single year. As we talked about earlier, this idea of service; community service and giving back,” said Susan Andersson, Chief Engagement Officer for Girl Scouts River Valleys.

She adds “[it’s about] noticing a problem in my community. I notice something I could help fix and make better, that’s a key component.”

Many of those skills stem from selling those scrumptious cookies.

Just last year the Girl Scouts of River Valley sold 3.4 million boxes and generated over $3 million in troop proceeds, according to the scouts.

“It’s incredible; it’s super fun and empowering and it feels nice to know that there is an organization that is built on giving young girls opportunities. Teaching them to take action and lead in their communities,” said Scout Kiera Johnson.

The Girl Scouts’ River Valley division consistently ranks among the top 10 councils nationwide in cookie sales.

“It’s really helpful for little kids to learn how to count money and count change, deal with customer service, and talking to people you’ve never met before with confidence and kindness. Learning how to socialize in that sense,” said Scout Paige Wirt.

If you or someone you know is interested in buying cookies, you can text COOKIES to 59618 or use the Girl Scouts River Valleys Cookie Finder.

The final day to order is Sunday, March 24, 2024.