Former pilot tries to set pickleball record

(ABC 6 News) – Rochester was a part of history Tuesday. Dean Matt, a former pilot is flying to 48 states in less than 48 days to play 48 games of pickleball.

Dean and one of his friends coordinated this trip over a 6-month period. Unfortunately, his friend had to dropout at the last minute, but Dean still wanted to make it happen.

He chose Chip Shots in Rochester for his Minnesota location. He played a friendly but competitive game with members of the Rochester Fire Department.

Dean says that he just picked up the game a few years ago and says he fell in love with game because of how people of all ages and skill levels can pay the game.

“Just get a paddle and go out to your local courts. You don’t have to bring 4 people with you or two people with you. Just go with yourself and you can always get into a game,” said Dean.

Right after his game in Rochester, Dean hopped on his plane and flew to Wisconsin and Wednesday he will be in his hometown Chicago..