Experience Rochester host annual meeting on growing tourism in state

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(ABC 6 News) – Experience Rochester wants to hone in on drawing in more people from the Twin Cities and Duluth areas for weekend trips to Rochester.

“It’s no longer about things you do on vacation, it’s things you experience,” said Lauren Bennett McGinty, Executive Director of Explore Minnesota Tourism. “It’s the cultures along the way that you get to unearth.”

As explore Minnesota Begins to change its approach on drawing in more tourists to the State, Experience Rochester is taking a similar approach.

“There’s new restaurants, cultural diversity here is amazing and we’re starting to see Rochester get noticed for more than the medical,” said Joe Ward, President of Experience Rochester. “But at the same time never forget that we have to have that front door open and that welcome mat for our patients that are really the life blood of our visitor economy here in Rochester.”

While Mayo Clinic has made statements that if the Minnesota Legislature passes the Keeping Nurses at the Bed Side act in it’s current edition. They may not fund future projects in Minnesota. Experience Rochester does not foresee that causing a major hiccup in the growing tourism industry for the city.

“At this point no. From what I can see it’s a standard legislation process,” said Ward. “They’ve shared concerns that they have had, the legislative body appears to be listening and I hope they work something out that works for them and certainly for Rochester in the future.”

Experience Rochester will be hosting Craft Brewers Week this next week, May 15-21, and hope it will be one of the many attractions to draw in more visitors from within Minnesota.