Construction on former Michael’s restaurant site delayed

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(ABC 6 News) – Titan Development and Investments announced a delay in the scheduled site preparation work at 15 S Broadway.

According to Brian Moser, Director of Construction and Development, the halt on the project has been caused by actions of delays, taken by an adjacent property owners’ representative.

Andy Chafoulias, CEO of Titan Development noted, “it’s unfortunate that this is occurring. We took all of the right steps in pulling required permits, proper insurance, having the right conversations and agreements in place.”

According to Moser, one of the biggest frustrations is delayed timelines, disruptions to neighboring businesses and the impact on downtown, such as street and sidewalk closures. The city has been very understanding on this unfortunate delay.

Postponing demolition in order to preserve and remain in compliance with TIF regulations, was also strongly taken into consideration. Chafoulias shares that he remains hopeful that it will relaunch in spring of 2023 and that he and the neighboring owners can seamlessly come to a final agreement once again.

Titan Development remains committed to the project and stands behind the value that the final product will do to transform the downtown core.