BCA unveils system to track status of sex assault kits

(KSTP) – Minnesota law enforcement officials have announced a new system to provide better access to sex assault survivors about their case.

Wednesday, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension unveiled its Track-Kit system, which provides online access to victims about the status of their sex assault kit. However, it will only apply to new sex assault kits, not past ones.

“The BCA stands with Minnesota’s victim-survivors. We hope the Track-Kit system relieves uncertainty and gives comfort with the knowledge of exactly where their kit stands in the testing process,” BCA Superintendent Drew Evans said in a statement.

While the department acknowledged sex assault investigations can be lengthy processes, the hope is that the system will provide more accountability and transparency for survivors.

The BCA says Track-Kit uses a barcode system to update information about each kit’s status and location in real time, allowing a survivor to use their login and see the status of their kit at any time. The department added that it applies to both restricted — those where the survivor doesn’t consent to testing — and unrestricted — those where the victim does consent to testing — kits.

Track-Kit was deployed over a three-month span, starting in the Arrowhead on April 5.

Only kits collected after the system went live in each region will be entered into the system, the BCA says.