69-year-old woman killed by snowplow in SE Rochester Friday morning

(ABC 6 News) – UPDATE: A 69-year-old Rochester woman was killed Friday morning when a snowplow backed over her.

Rochester Police said at 8:54 a.m., officers responded to a report of an incident involving a snowplow and an pedestrian identified as Linda Rud on Pinewood Road SE in Rochester.

According to the Minnesota State Patrol, the snowplow driver backed over Rud while removing snow from the street, causing fatal injuries.

The Minnesota State Patrol has identified the plow driver as Jordan Dohrmann, 32 of Rochester. The City of Rochester said Dohrmann has been put on administrative leave. The plow involved is owned and operated by the City of Rochester.

There were no other motor vehicles involved in the crash.

The Minnesota State Patrol is investigating the crash, which Christianson said is standard.

ABC 6 News is at the scene of a snowplow vs. pedestrian crash at Pinewood Road SE.

First responders have closed the street while the investigation is ongoing.

ABC 6 News will update this story as more information is available.