Spring Grove at the Minne-Soda State Fair
(ABC 6 News) – Many of us recognize the biggest vendors at the Minnesota State Fair, but this year, one company from a small southeast Minnesota town is making a huge impact at the great Minnesota get-together.
“It’s wonderful,” said Linda Smith, one of the fair’s visitors.
“Ain’t no other state pop hit like this,” said Jayden Haueter, also visiting the fair.
Spring Grove Cream Soda is about as old as the fair itself. Since 1895, it has been the favorite of many in Minnesota.
“What I really like about it is it’s made with real sugar,” said Smith.
Many of us recognize the biggest vendors at the Minnesota State Fair, but this year, one company from a small southeast Minnesota town is making a huge impact at the great Minnesota get-together.
Now, there’s a big debate on which flavor is the best.
“The most popular flavor at the state fair is the black cherry, but if you’re from Spring Grove it’s strawberry,” said Christian Custer, who was working the Minne-Soda stand.
“Strawberry rhubarb. So, it’s like strawberry rhubarb pie without heating up your kitchen,” said Smith.
“The orange. The orange. The creamy orange is probably one of the best flavors ever,” said Haueter.
The cream soda vanished from the fair for a while, but later new ownership took over and it came back with the same great taste about a decade ago.
“It’s cool cause people come up and say ‘oh, I would get your stuff in the grocery store if I could find it or where can I find it.’ So, it’s really neat to be here and service people from all over the state,” said Custer.
And fairgoers are happy that all corners of the state are being represented.
“It really shows a lot. I mean it is called the Minnesota State Fair for a reason. That’s why there should be Minnesota companies here,” said Haueter.
Their booth is located on Nelson Street next to the DNR building.