Snowfall over North Iowa

Snowfall over North Iowa

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(ABC 6 News) – Across our area, we saw just about an inch on average of snow, but even that little bit can cause some headaches on the road, especially in rural areas.

The snowfall seen in Iowa over the last week has hit rural roads in a big way. Even after work is done, if the snow keeps falling, those quiet roads can pile up fast

“It really kind of puts us back to ground zero. We were really making a lot of progress over the last couple of days getting a lot of the roads opened up two lanes wide on the gravels,” said Keokuk County Engineer Andrew McGuire. “And then with the snow that we got last night, and the wind that we got last night, there’s still drifts coming in on top of us that, you know, you have to go back over areas you’ve already been once.”

McQuire adds, the freezing temperatures have actually been helpful to plowing crews because the cold helps keep the snow from drifting over previously-plowed roads.