Sen. Nelson presents bills to fund Highway 14/44 interchange project

(ABC 6 News) – Senator Carla Nelson (R-Rochester) on Monday presented two bills to the Senate Transportation Committee that would provide funding for the Highway 14/44 interchange project.

Currently, the intersection is at a skewed angle with Highway 14 carrying an estimated 30,000 vehicles per day traveling at a high rate of speed, and Highway 44 carrying 3,000 vehicles per day at this location.

Last summer, crews removed the median at the interchange as a way to improve safety and eliminate the ability for vehicles to cross traffic and prevent T-bone crashes. Olmsted County says the intersection annually averages 10 to 13 crashes, some fatal.

RELATED: How the new changes to Highway 14 will affect traffic and business

Sen. Nelson emphasized the importance of these projects, stating, “These road improvements are crucial for the safety and well-being of our residents in Olmsted County. By investing in our infrastructure, we are ensuring a more connected and prosperous community for years to come.”

“I remain dedicated to advocating for the community’s needs,” Sen. Nelson added. “We must ensure a bright future for Olmsted County, and strong infrastructure is a big step towards that.”

The bill, Senate File 981, would provide $42.1 million in bonding money to acquire property, conduct environmental analysis, predesign, design, engineer, acquire right-of-way, construct, furnish, and equip an interchange. It includes the flyover at 7th Street NW and associated infrastructure and road work to accommodate the interchange.

The bill, Senate File 3259, would provide $42.1 million from the general fund to be used to acquire property, conduct environmental analysis, predesign, design, engineer, acquire right-of-way, construct, furnish, and equip an interchange. It includes the flyover at 7th Street NW and associated infrastructure and road work to accommodate the interchange.

Olmsted County Commissioners David Senjem and Michelle Rossman testified in support of the bills.

Last December, Olmsted County and the MnDOT hosted a public meeting to discuss the intersection project and provided project alternatives. View that information, HERE.