Rochester man accused of molesting child

Randy Langworthy / Olmsted County ADC
(ABC 6 News) – A Rochester man appeared in Olmsted County Court Thursday on charges of repeatedly molesting an 8-to-9-year-old child.
Randy James Langworthy was charged in February with two counts of 1st-degree criminal sexual conduct with a child under age 13.
According to court documents, in June of 2023, a then-11-year-old boy told a woman that Langworthy, now 41, used to touch him inappropriately.
The boy allegedly told the woman, then law enforcement, that Langworthy threatened to molest another child if the boy did not cooperate.
When the boy told another witness in 2020 or 2021, the assaults slowed, but did not cease, according to court documents.
Law enforcement believes the incidents happened when the child was 8 or 9 years old, according to court documents.
Langworthy had not entered a plea Thursday, March 21. His next hearing is scheduled for May 16.