Rochester community comes together after racist incident

Rochester community comes together after racist incident

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(ABC 6 News) – An vandal still at large plastered a racial slur on a walking bridge near Century High School.

In response, local officials from the NAACP Rochester Branch held a town hall to have the often difficult conversation about race.

Many packed the cafeteria in Century High School to address the generations-long issue.

Rochester police say it’s unlikely there will be footage of the bridge being vandalized, as there is no camera in the area.

City leaders were challenged by the public to do something. Rochester community members asked if Black history is being taught in schools.

“Yes, but not enough,” RPS superintendent Dr. Kent Pekel said.

Community members called out the systemic racism in the legal system.

“The system has not really been receptive to looking at how certain populations are policed from different populations,” RPD Captain Jeff Stilwell said.

The community walked away challenging not only leaders, but everyone else in Rochester on how to move forward.

“One thing that you will take accountability for in your organization so that when we have similar issues like this we can look to you, directly to you with that concern,” Tawonda Burks said.