Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce fighting for the Med City

Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce fighting for the Med City

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(ABC 6 News) – Adjustments to legislation and a strong push for a bonding bill, the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce (RACC) is motivated to let St. Paul know the Med City needs its support.

“You know our main priorities are really revolving around support for those binding project that can really drive development in the region,” said RACC President Ryan Parsons.

He says RACC is pushing for the final bonding bill to include improvements to Highway 14 near Byron.

“So, a project like Highway 14 is that it increases that accessibility to an area that’s going to be prime for growth in the future. Better to get ahead of it now than waiting until it’s too late,” said Parsons.

And as more people come to the area business will hopefully flourish, but some want to see changes to legislation passed last session; things like earned safe and sick time and paid family medical leave.

“You know, and some of the key components that are really proving challenging in its original form is the one-size-fits-all approach. You know, when you put a blanket approach over anything, it typically doesn’t work that well,” said Parsons.

Custom Alarm in Rochester is a chamber member and CEO Melissa Brinkman is happy there’s a push for change.

“We are hopeful there can be some modifications to it and make it a little bit more employee-friendly and employer-friendly because the initial concern is how much money it’s going to cost from a payroll tax standpoint and just the fact it’s one-size-fits-all and I really don’t see as beneficial for the employees or the employer,” said Brinkman.

But Brinkman says she’s thankful the chamber is sticking up for Rochester businesses.

“Yeah, I think it’s really important businesses to lean into their local chambers and to the Minnesota state chamber. We need to focus on running our business and then are appreciative of the fact that other organizations that can help us have a voice at the capitol,” said Brinkman.

Parsons says, with all the medical reach and technology innovation in Rochester, it’s important the voices of the community are heard at the capitol.