Reverse Advent Food Drive at 125 LIVE all throughout December

Reverse Advent Food Drive at 125 Live

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(ABC 6 News) – If you have extra food or perishable items, 125 LIVE invites you to participate in their reverse advent food drive.

Throughout December, 125 LIVE asks community members to drop off certain items on specific days.

This is the first year they’re hosting this kind of drive, and they are in need of items like canned goods, pasta, and mac and cheese.

125 LIVE hopes to help any family this holiday season in need of some food.

“What we’re hoping for is within the community that individuals who have a little bit of extra are able to actually share and give each day something to those in need here through our pantry,” 125 LIVE director of operations Ken Baerg said.

125 LIVE will be accepting donations all throughout the month and the food pantry is open six days a week for anyone to use.