Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office partners with State Patrol to slow down speeders

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(ABC 6 News) – The summertime in Minnesota means warmer temperatures, drier roads and more speeders on them.

In response, law enforcement agencies across the state are partnering up to slow down and ticket drivers on highways.

It’s called the Border-to-Border initiative; sheriff’s offices and the Minnesota State Patrol are working together on Highways 14 and 19 on July 7, slow down speeding offenders.

Through flashing signs and speed traps, there are countless ways law enforcement are working to have drivers across the area take their time and go slow.

From the South Dakota to Wisconsin borders on Highway 14, law enforcement is cracking down speeders wherever they can.

“We’re just trying to be out and more visible,” said Cpl. Nick Heimer of the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office. “I think that’s a big thing part of it is knowing that we’re out there looking for that violation specifically and just getting people overall to slow down.”

Heimer has been with the Sheriff’s Office for over five years and he’s been ticketing speeders every year on the force. From what he’s seen in recent years on Hwy. 14 coming into Rochester from Byron. Speeders are less frequent than when he first joined the force and it’s become a positive for traffic safety.

While he was out Friday morning, the speeders he tracked were not going any faster than 75 in a 65 mile an hour zone. But it’s an important reminder the faster you go, the greater the offense will be.

“On the low end of the spectrum is like $120 for a fine for speeding,” said Heimer. “And then as you increase your miles per hour over the limit. Your, the increase cost for the citation as well.”

And if the fines aren’t enough to slow people down, the Sheriff’s Office will be the ones to stop them from going too fast.