Minnesota Senate and House bills on the docket

Minnesota Senate and House bills on the docket

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(ABC 6 News) – As Minnesota enters its second week in the 2024 legislative session, lawmakers already have some big endeavors planned.

Here’s another short-list of bills you might’ve missed.

SF 3994, The Minnesota Voting Rights Act

The Minnesota Senate looks to establish a Minnesota Voting Rights Act. If passed, the bill would ban local governments form enforcing any policy that would voter participation and create civil penalties for any violations.

SF 4019, Increased Minimum Wage

If passed, SF 4019 would increase the state’s minimum wage to $20 an hour for large employers by 2028.

For small businesses, it would be raised to $18 an hour.

HF 3978 Term Limits

HF 3978 seeks to amend the state constitution and establish term limits for lawmakers.

If signed by the governor, both senators and representatives would not be allowed to serve more than 10 years in office.

If advance through both chambers, the question will be put to vote by Minnesotans in this year’s general election.

SF 3794, Contraception Accessibility

House lawmakers are looking to mandate health plans cover over-the-counter birth control, if the drug has been approved by the FDA.