Minnesota lawmakers discuss budget forecast

MN Lawmakers Discuss Budget Forecast

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(ABC 6 News) – In just over two months, the Minnesota legislature will convene for the 2024 session and a $2.4 billion surplus to work with. But some experts warn it’s not all great news.

Back in October, officials announced a projected surplus around $2.4 billion at the end of the 24-25 biennium. While it remains at that number, officials now sound the alarm on a budget deficit in the future.

A deficit would only occur if lawmakers chose not to spend all 2.4 billion. Now, experts say it’s the next biennium that we should be worried about and it’s something they are going to keep monitoring.

“I can assure you, our budget will be limited. It will be focused on a responsible bonding bill that includes the entire state and on projects that matter. And then it will be very focused on policies that we need to get done,” said Governor Walz.

But Walz wasn’t the only person who had something to say about Minnesota’s spending. The Minnesota GOP is worried the DFL’s continued to spending is going to lead to a deficit.

“It’s time we get back to some reasonable governing and that needs to happen real soon, but this budget really reflects the priorities of what happened last session and what they’ve done to this state,” said Republican Senator Minority Leader Mark Johnson.

There’s going to be a lot of discussion leading up to February and even more once the gavel hits the table.