Memorial to be built honoring 2 Anoka County Vietnam War veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice

Anoka man receives medal of honor

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(KSTP) – Two men from Anoka County who lost their lives fighting in the Vietnam War are being honored.

A memorial for Leslie Cowden and Peter Hedlund will be built in Oak Grove, south of Saint Francis.

The two grew up a block from each other, both graduated from Saint Francis High School and in 1968, both were killed in Vietnam within a week of each other.

Mike Starr is helping put together the memorial, an honor more than 50 years in the making.

“It’s time to recognize these two people,” Starr said. “It’s time to do it. It’s been too long.”

The monument will cost $30,000 and will be dedicated at the Cedar Creek Conservation Area in June.

If you would like to make a donation, please make a check payable to “Anoka County Parks.” Include “Cedar Creek Conservation Area Memorial Fund” in the memo line and send to 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, Andover, MN 55304.