Buy Nothing Rochester free garage sale

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(ABC 6 News) – For the past five years the Buy Nothing Rochester group has organized free garage sales in the community. In partnership with Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church they hosted another free garage sale Saturday. Buy Nothing Rochester started in the Veldhusen family’s garage to take the stress of money off peoples minds during the holiday shopping season. But it has now gotten so big that the free garage sale needed to move elsewhere.

"I saw there was a need in the community for people who just need to have things for free. Originally we planned in for November so it was right before Christmas so people to get Christmas presents and that kind of thing, but when it got so large we decided to push it to July, be able to have access to more buildings and that kind of thing," said garage sale organizer Kristin Veldhuisen.

The garage sale has everything from clothes to pots and pans, and with people struggling with higher inflation right now, this allows them to not only get the things they need but things they have always wanted.

"Some of this stuff is brand new you know and I mean there’s paints for walls that maybe people don’t have a priority to get, but now they can decorate their home. Or there’s tons of kitchen stuff so they can have all this kitchen stuff, they can bake cakes with their kids. They can do these things that maybe aren’t a need but a want that they can’t afford to go get, so now they can do it," said Veldhuisen.

Katrinna Greentree brought her family to the garage sale. She and her family love garage sales and just couldn’t pass up on the unique opportunity.

"We do love going to garage sales and we have garage sales twice year to get rid of stuff. Which is kind of funny that we are going to another one. We love going to garge sales we’ve never been to a free one though so this was just a really cool event," said Greentree.

With rising prices at stores, Katrinna added, "I think it was awesome and not having to tell him or him no. We can just let them get whatever they want. Its great."

For information of future events, how to get involved or donate you can visit Buy Nothing Rochester’s Facebook page.