Elllison, Sanders make campaign stop in Rochester
(ABC 6 News) – Former presidential candidate and current Senator Bernie Sanders and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison were in Rochester Friday for a campaign event.
The pair spoke at Rochester Community and Technical College, and talked about everything from election security to abortion and public safety.
“We deserve and believe in safety, and we know how to get it and yes, it is police, and yes it’s prosecutors absolutely, but it’s also strong neighborhoods and good schools and neighborhood watches and neighbors working together. It is all these things, and it is making sure that there are not guns anywhere where kids can pick them up,” said Ellison.
Political analysts say Ellison’s initial support of a movement to disband the Minneapolis Police Department could hurt him in November.
But, according to the latest SurveyUSA poll numbers Ellison is polling up 17% among women, which analysts believe could be tied to the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
“Keith understands, and I say this here in Rochester where you have one of the great hospitals in the world, Keith has always understood that healthcare is a human right not a privilege,” said Sanders.
The most recent SurveyUSA poll shows Minnesota’s Attorney General race is the closest statewide race on the November ballot. Right now, Ellison is ahead of Republican challenger Jim Schultz by just 2 points, and that’s with 13% of those polled saying they are undecided.