Drought effects on gardening

Dry conditions make it important to manually water plants

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(ABC 6 News) – The ongoing drought in Minnesota has taken its toll on plants.

Experts say gardening season may start as early as next month, but it’s important to make sure plants are being properly watered to see a good bloom.

A lack of moisture makes plants more susceptible to disease and makes it harder for them to recover from wind damage or breakage.

The species of plant and amount of precipitation will affect how much watering you should do. But, you’ll know it’s time to start watering once the ground is thoroughly thawed out.

“It’s important to feel more than just put your hand on top of the soil, but actually to dig down a little bit, probably you know four or five inches and feel the soil down deeper if it feels frosty then it’s not quite thawed out yet,” said Julie Weisenhorn, extension horticulture educator with the University of Minnesota.

Another way to keep moisture in the soil is to spread a protective layer of mulch on top. This also has the added benefits of keeping out weeds.

For more growing tips, CLICK HERE.