Controlled burns in Rochester on Friday

(ABC 6 News) – Controlled burns will continue in Rochester on Friday, Nov. 17, this time at Prairie Crossing Park in Northwest Rochester.

In collaboration with Rochester Parks & Recreations, the Rochester Fire Department will conduct controlled burns at the park to maintain the park and offer RFD a chance to safely train for wildfire conditions.

— RELATED: Why the Rochester Fire Department started park fires

Ideal conditions for a controlled burn include light winds and drier conditions, but not too dry. “If it’s too dry, the [Department of Natural Resources] will put out a Red Flag Warning and we will not be able to do controlled burns,” said Kris Jungels, of the Battalion of Training for the RFD.

An exact time was not announced by RFD or Parks & Rec.

RFD recommends keeping windows closed if nearby residents see or smell smoke during the day, however they should not feel alarmed.