Controlled burns for grass and prairie maintenance to take place in Rochester

(ABC 6 News) – Rochester Fire Department and Parks & Recreation will conduct grass and prairie maintenance Monday through controlled burns.

The burns are expected to take place from 8:20 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Assisi Heights, and will continue on Tuesday if crews are not able to complete all necessary work.

RFD is using this opportunity to conduct training that is hard to replicate in a normal training environment. The activities will entail controlled/prescribed burns in the grass/prairie areas that normally do not get mowed during the summer months.

Teams will continue to monitor the weather and modify the schedule as needed.  

There will be potential for smoke in the air while burning and a slight possibility ash could spread through the air.

RFD recommends keeping windows closed if you see them in the area.

These burns don’t typically last long, and RFD will ensure everything is done in a safe and controlled manner to protect property.

Some benefits of controlled burns are reducing the risk of uncontrolled fires, warming the soil to increase microbial activity for grasses and plants to grow, getting rid of invasive species and insect populations and reducing leaf and grass litter accumulated from last year’s growing season.

Burns are carried out in the spring and fall as time allows.