Cold temperatures could finally freeze Minnesota lakes
(ABC 6 News) – Minnesota anglers have anticipated winter weather to finally hit, and this morning’s snow spells something good.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says little snow and cold temperatures could finally ice over lakes soon, opening up winter sports season.
Usually around this time we’d be driving cars on the lake already but this year the weather it’s pretty sketchy,” said MNDNR safety coordinator Nicole Biagi. “When there’s a lot of snow it really slows down the formation of ice underneath so if you want to get strong ice and you want it to build fast, lack of snow will allow the ice to form faster.”
The DNR still reminds Minnesotans to check the ice is thick enough to tread on as you head out.
Generally, 4 inches means safe to walk on, 5 to 7 for a snowmobile, and 9 to 12 for a small car or ice house.