Winter continues to no show as mild weather persists

It’s been an unusually mild winter despite the Arctic blast that gripped the area for several days in the middle of January and since then, it’s been back to mild weather.
There won’t be any record-breaking temperatures like several communities in the ABC 6 Weather First area experienced this last week, however temperatures will be around 20° to 25° above average through next week.
Highs will generally be in the mid-to-upper 40s from Saturday through next Thursday before cooling back down into the 30s the following weekend. Night lows are expected to be in the 20s and 30s.
The Climate Prediction Center has a high probability of above average temperatures for the entire area through the middle of February.
The pattern will be fairly quiet until the second half of the week as a storm system may bring some rain to the area on Thursday. Exact details on the track and evolution of that storm still remain given that it’s several days away.