Starting The Week With Some Sunshine

It’s a pretty nice way to start out the week, with a mix of sun & clouds, along with highs in the upper 30s & lower 40s. This will be the case both today & Tuesday.

The Weather First Team is tracking a round of very light snow, very early Wednesday morning, amounting to about an inch to an inch and a half for southern MN & lower totals throughout northern IA. This will fall in the 1-8 AM timeframe, meaning we will sleep through most of it.

A more potent storm system remains on track for the Thursday – Saturday morning timeframe, with the long-range models still showing a light soaking rain Thursday-first half of Friday, before we transition from all-rain, to a rain/snow mix, to snow by Saturday morning.

Exact totals on how much snow remains in question, as this remains 5-6 days out. We may even hear our first thunderstorm of the season Thursday afternoon/evening!