Snow gradually ends Tuesday afternoon, gusty winds remain

The well-advertised winter storm will continue to bring snow to the area through much of the day Tuesday before snow gradually tapers off during the afternoon.

Snow will become steadier through the morning with higher snowfall rates likely in far southeast Minnesota and northeast Iowa where some of the higher snow accumulations are expected.

Snow eventually will end from west-to-east through the afternoon into the early evening.

Total snow accumulation of 2-5″ is likely across most of the ABC 6 Weather First area, however places in far southeast Minnesota and northeast Iowa may see accumulations of 6-10″ with locally higher amounts possible.

The wind will also ramp up through the day with gusts of 30-35 mph which will likely lead to blowing and drifting snow and low visibility especially in open and rural areas. The wind will remain elevated through the evening before relaxing overnight into Wednesday.