Goodbye Summer

Goodbye Summer. For now, at least. Temperatures come crashing down this weekend, on a decline all Saturday and by Sunday morning, snowflakes try to materialize.

First, temperatures are falling through the 50s and into the 40s on Saturday. Periodic rounds of rain including some t-storms move through. Amounts of rain trend around 3/4″.

Snow mixes in Sunday morning into the afternoon. One band will transition to another each situated on the western and eastern edges of our area respectively. Add in our very warm scenario going into this, daytime mid-April scenario… signs are pointing to snow accumulation being minor. Likely confined to grassy and other elevated surfaces. Amounts should generally stay a dusting to about an inch.

Temperatures do start to build back next week. 50s and 60s return. Rain also pushes back in during the Wednesday-Friday timeframe.