Air Conditioning is Working More Than Most Americans the Next Couple Days

At least I hope your air conditioning is working fine, because you’re going to need it!!

Both Sunday and Monday feature record-breaking highs for this time of year in the mid to upper-90s. We already broke records in Austin and Preston on Saturday and tied the record in Rochester. Expect more to be broken by the time we cool off Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.

We still don’t have humidity to work with, so we don’t need to worry about the heat index these next couple days. However, this is still heat that we don’t see often even during the peak of Summer. Temperatures finally drop off late Tuesday and we’re in the 70s the rest of the week.

Speaking of Tuesday, during the evening and into early Wednesday is our best rain opportunity this week. Scattered thunderstorms could potentially be strong, but a widespread severe threat is not currently expected.

Overall, if you made it through the extreme heat of a couple weeks ago, you should have even less trouble this time around.