What you need to know about Municipal Identification Cards

(ABC 6 NEWS) – The Rochester City Council held a study session on municipal identification cards on Monday. This is a form of ID issued by the city rather than the state or federal government.

If these cards become a reality they would be printed at the Rochester Public Library.

These cards can be used to cash a check, get a prescription, or pick up your child from school.

These are not legal IDs, so you would not be able to buy alcohol, cigarettes, or a firearm.

If you want a card you would bring certain documentation to RPL to get one printed and it could take as little as 20 minutes.

"When you don’t have any identification and you don’t have any means there is very little you can do there is very little you can do. So this is low barrier low bar we want to have no cost to people so we can give them an ID also people who want their preferred name on their id would give them that opportunity," Circulation Services Manager with Rochester Public Library, Andrew Stehr said.

Immigration or criminal status would not be considered for people looking to get a city ID.

"This is a part of our diversity equity and inclusion plan a lot of the people that will be aided by marginalized communities and we want to be able to help. And we think this is kind of low-hanging fruit that is going to be able to help across the board," Stehr said.

The city council is expected to bring this to the table again at a meeting next month.

If these cards are approved they hope to roll them out as soon as this fall.