Rochester community honors 13 fallen Afghanistan soldiers

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(ABC 6 News) – Tuesday evening, the community gathered at Soldier’s Field in Rochester to honor the 13 service members who lost their lives in the suicide bombing in Kabul last week.

The Bell of Honor rang out seven times at the event. Each toll represents a different sacrifice made by those who serve with the seventh toll signifying the loss of life.

A rose was placed near a folded flag for each of the 13 service members.

Many community leaders from southeast Minnesota attended the event.

"Lots of opinions about the Afghan War. How it started, how it was prosecuted, how it ended and everything in between. But I don’t think there’s much disagreement that these 13 soldiers were peacemakers," Rep. Jim Hagedorn (R-MN) said.

Speeches were followed by the presentation of the flag, the tolling of the bell and a 21 gun salute for the 12 marines and one navy corporal.

"We must never forget the sacrifice of the people who respond. They run to the fight, they don’t run away from the fight," Jan Throndson, one of the event organizers, said.

Community leaders at the event said they are doing what they can to support Afghanistan veterans in our own community.