Olmsted County celebrates Ear of Corn Water Tower revitalization

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(ABC 6 News) – Many gathered in Graham Park Saturday morning to celebrate a landmark that we all know and love here in Olmsted County: The Ear of Corn Water Tower.

The celebration was to honor the recent painting of the tower and to mark a new chapter of this beloved landmark in Graham Park. Not only did the event mark the revitalization of the Ear of Corn Water Tower, but it was also a time to celebrate its long history in our community.

"And I can assure you of one thing. No matter how Graham Park evolves in the next 10, 20 or 30 years, this Ear of Corn Water Tower is here to stay and will play a central role in our Graham Park landscape," Stephanie Podulke, chair of the Olmsted County Board of Commissioners, said.

The Corn Tower has been a part of the Rochester skyline since 1931 and the revitalization of it will help preserve it for generations to come.