Mower County CEO students preparing a murder mystery dinner

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(ABC 6 NEWS) – The Mower County CEO program is a way for juniors and seniors at Austin High School and Pacelli to learn more about being an entrepreneur, and one way is through creating a class business.

The class business helps students to jumpstart their individual businesses. This year’s class decided to put on a murder mystery dinner called Midnight at the Masquerade.

The class chose a murder mystery dinner because they wanted something unique and something that Austin has not seen in a while.

To put this on it’s taking a lot of teamwork and splitting up to divvy up tasks. One of those tasks was hiring the acting company.

"We split into different groups based on our strengths and just kind of worked alongside that group so it kind of broke down the workload that we had.*White flash*"I’m in the visualizer group so my group is in charge of we hired the company, we searched for the company, we met with them online zoom meeting and then we also are in charge of decorating the location," Mower County CEO student, Meghan Rosheim said.

The group also had to find the location which it will be at. They chose the Holiday Inn in Austin. They also had to put together advertisements and find what food to serve.

"Now we are just out selling tickets and advertising everything is in lock with the catering the event and people performing so it is just unique to see how we started from an idea talking about it to actually in a month having the event," Mower County CEO student, Hayden Lunt said.

The students say the best way you can help and support them is by buying a ticket.

So far the students said this year is going well and they are learning a lot.

"I found it is so much easier to talk to people my communication skills have grown tremendously through this program," Rosheim said.

"It’s been a very unique experience I was kind of a shy kid growing up and this has opened me to new things. I’ve met a ton of new people and connections to further myself in the future," Lunt said.

If you are interested in attending Midnight at the Masquerade on Feb. 20th you can purchase tickets here.