Minnesota COVID-19 Update: Wednesday, October 20, 2021

(ABC 6 News) – The latest information as of October 20, 2021 on coronavirus in Minnesota according to the Minnesota Department of Health.


Total COVID-19 vaccinations administered as of October 20 (cumulative): 6,741,937
Third vaccine doses administered: 258,779

Total Pfizer vaccinations (cumulative): 4,031,410
Total Moderna vaccinations (cumulative): 2,418,803
Total Johnson & Johnson vaccinations (cumulative): 290,084
Unknown/missing vaccine type: 1640

Total population with completed vaccine series as of October 20: 3,278,614

Percent of total population with at least one vaccine dose: 61.9% of the population

Percent of total population with completed vaccine series: 58.9% of the population


Total overall lab tests completed: 13,287,550

CASES – Newly reported: 1858

Newly reported confirmed cases: 1402
Newly reported probable cases: 456
Total confirmed cases of COVID-19 (cumulative): 765,761

Total confirmed cases (PCR positive) (cumulative): 697,758
Total probable cases (Antigen positive) (cumulative): 68,003
Total number of health care workers: 48,879

Breakthrough cases data updated weekly on Monday

Number of vaccine breakthrough cases as of September 18:

Total cases: 45,827 or 1.441% of fully vaccinated people
Total cases hospitalized: 2,718 or 0.085% of fully vaccinated people
Total deaths: 234 or 0.007% of fully vaccinated people


Total patients who no longer need to be isolated: 739,119


Total number of patients hospitalized (cumulative): 40,227
Total number of patients that have been admitted to the ICU (cumulative): 8147
32 deaths reported today

Residence type of newly reported deaths:

Private Residence: 29
Long-term Care Facility/Assisted Living: 3
Total number of deaths: 8,457

Deaths from confirmed cases (cumulative): 8,001
Deaths from probable cases (cumulative): 488
Total non-laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 deaths: 124
*COVID-19 listed on death certificate but a positive test not documented for the person.

4,712 deaths were among cases that resided in long-term care or assisted living facilities.

Cases by County of Residence

County Total confirmed cases Total probable cases Total cases Total deaths
Aitkin 1,745 79 1,824 43
Anoka 45,833 7,868 53,701 520
Becker 4,706 576 5,282 62
Beltrami 5,162 1,329 6,491 78
Benton 6,955 512 7,467 110
Big Stone 750 45 795 4
Blue Earth 9,390 233 9,623 59
Brown 3,956 122 4,078 47
Carlton 3,483 962 4,445 66
Carver 11,445 2,131 13,576 54
Cass 3,902 321 4,223 43
Chippewa 1,830 69 1,899 40
Chisago 7,507 793 8,300 62
Clay 9,070 1,110 10,180 99
Clearwater 1,041 317 1,358 18
Cook 241 5 246 0
Cottonwood 1,643 318 1,961 28
Crow Wing 8,743 693 9,436 107
Dakota 50,321 6,478 56,799 523
Dodge 2,671 51 2,722 10
Douglas 5,529 728 6,257 89
Faribault 2,137 54 2,191 30
Fillmore 2,384 31 2,415 12
Freeborn 4,763 96 4,859 42
Goodhue 5,962 205 6,167 84
Grant 723 56 779 9
Hennepin 139,841 13,085 152,926 1,919
Houston 2,218 87 2,305 17
Hubbard 2,540 354 2,894 44
Isanti 4,975 694 5,669 74
Itasca 5,937 192 6,129 82
Jackson 1,146 313 1,459 14
Kanabec 1,804 101 1,905 30
Kandiyohi 8,187 133 8,320 96
Kittson 543 61 604 22
Koochiching 1,249 134 1,383 19
Lac qui Parle 882 97 979 24
Lake 931 152 1,083 21
Lake of the Woods 443 22 465 4
Le Sueur 3,640 189 3,829 32
Lincoln 741 35 776 5
Lyon 4,199 334 4,533 56
Mahnomen 839 48 887 12
Marshall 1,173 164 1,337 19
Martin 3,084 155 3,239 36
McLeod 5,728 183 5,911 70
Meeker 3,474 80 3,554 53
Mille Lacs 3,851 275 4,126 66
Morrison 5,236 319 5,555 66
Mower 6,221 207 6,428 40
Murray 1,042 292 1,334 10
Nicollet 4,164 155 4,319 51
Nobles 4,384 419 4,803 52
Norman 749 118 867 9
Olmsted 17,900 160 18,060 120
Otter Tail 7,102 875 7,977 105
Pennington 1,597 561 2,158 27
Pine 3,761 502 4,263 30
Pipestone 1,245 78 1,323 27
Polk 4,441 645 5,086 77
Pope 1,512 78 1,590 8
Ramsey 58,859 4,336 63,195 978
Red Lake 451 135 586 9
Redwood 2,252 138 2,390 43
Renville 2,177 89 2,266 49
Rice 9,551 401 9,952 131
Rock 1,295 251 1,546 19
Roseau 2,468 155 2,623 27
Scott 18,479 3,077 21,556 160
Sherburne 13,432 2,035 15,467 115
Sibley 1,930 160 2,090 12
St. Louis 21,633 1,918 23,551 357
Stearns 26,954 1,410 28,364 253
Steele 5,663 160 5,823 25
Stevens 1,193 51 1,244 11
Swift 1,308 35 1,343 19
Todd 3,847 134 3,981 36
Traverse 345 165 510 5
Wabasha 2,880 46 2,926 5
Wadena 2,225 141 2,366 29
Waseca 3,192 72 3,264 31
Washington 30,744 2,748 33,492 329
Watonwan 1,662 42 1,704 11
Wilkin 836 180 1,016 14
Winona 6,005 89 6,094 54
Wright 17,911 3,266 21,177 171
Yellow Medicine 1,308 250 1,558 20
Unknown/missing 487 40 527 0